The Revolving Door of Volunteers

Hand and footprints of past JVs decorate our little library “MISSSS, NO TE VAYAS” — "MISS, DON’T LEAVE.” About three months left of my time as a JV here in Peru and my students act as if I’m leaving tomorrow. In fact, sometimes they act as if I have already left: “Miss, ¿Cuando vas a regresar a visitarnos?” - When will you return for a visit? Sometimes a fourteen year old will ask me something like: "Miss, will you come back when I’m grown and have my own kids here, in Miguel Pro?" In my head, ten years will flash before my eyes and, suddenly, here is my student standing before me as an adult, with the same goofy, shy grin on their face. Tears will come to my eyes as I imagine this future before me and I am lost in a place of “what-ifs” and endless possibilities, transported to a time when I can visit this beautiful place once more—and then of course the same fourteen year old decides to tackle a larger fifteen year old and reality comes crashing...