The Sacred Art of Letter Writing

"Hey, did my letter make it to you yet?” I received that message on my phone a while ago. It was not the first time receiving a message like that, nor will it be the last. The irony of receiving an instant message, checking in about a handwritten letter is not lost on me: couldn’t that person simply have sent me an email with all of their updates, worries, and concerns? Also, if they need to know when it arrives, doesn’t that take a little fun out of the surprise? Anyone who has known me for a number of years is probably aware of my love for writing a good old-fashioned letter. E-mail? I don’t usually take the time to write out an essay-long recap of my life. Something about staring at a computer screen kills my commitment to finish a lengthy and personalized update. Messaging? Spotty responses and even worse now that I’m in Peru. Phone calls? Yes, if you can figure out what time-change we’re in and catch me in the off hours I’m physically at home. An av...