Mes de Misión: Not sure if I'm closer to God or closer to pulling my hair out

It’s been about two months since I returned from my Mes de Misión trip. I’d like to think it’s a perfect amount of time to recount my adventures in Talabaya with a little more objectivity and a lot of good humor. Painting the picture: a group of about thirty teens head into the mountains on a mission month during their summer vacation. They will live together, prepare food together, and work side by side for the month of January in the town of Talabaya — an isolated town in the sierra with a population of 70. Their guides: one professor in his fifties and two very newly arrived gringas (Faith and I). To assist, some of the older teens of 18 or 19 years will serve as counselors as they have already participated in the program in previous years. The mission of Mes de Misión is to immerse these students into the life of a volunteer, to give them a taste of what it means to live at the service others. Now this is not a sleep-away camp. You are not give...